The activist-academic Silvia Federici has never muted her message to get ahead. What’s the cost of refusing to sell out?
Oil Stories and/as Underworlds
The swimming pool is my secret world and safe haven away from shame and judgement. But it hasn’t come easy.
The activist-academic Silvia Federici has never muted her message to get ahead. What’s the cost of refusing to sell out?
The swimming pool is my secret world and safe haven away from shame and judgement. But it hasn’t come easy.
Who decided that women get to be society's sounding board for words that feel like shadows?
A good cookbook can be mind-opening, read for or looked at for pleasure, despite having middling recipes. An excellent one can be a tool and art one in the same.
As our collective fears shift, so too do the monsters that stand in for them.
The author of Any Person Is the Only Self on authorial trust, the occult of reading, and circles of heightened attention.